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외국계 리테일 Learning&Development,Quality consultant




외국계 리테일 Learning&Development,Quality consultant 

* 담당 업무 

- 외국계 서비스사 신입 직원 교육,품질 관리,모니터링 

- Learning and Development  

- Complete needs analysis for request for learning intervention and establishes supporting plan

- Design and develop training contents that are blended in their approach for team members.

- Facilitate trainings by utilizing available resources, technology, and creative mediums as appropriate.

- Ensures that appropriate knowledge checks and necessary remedial action occurs.

- Maintains accurate development records within Learning Management System

- Measuring of learning outcomes for sessions exceeding 90 minutes

- Undertakes project work and other reasonable duties when requested by the Group/Region L&D 

* 자격 요건

- 영어 능통자, 외국계 서비스사 교육 관련 경력 8년 이상 경력자

* 전형 절차

- 1,2차 인터뷰 진행 

* 제출 서류

- 국영문 이력서 

* 접수 방법


 * 채용 담당

 송유리 이사 / +82 10 8988 7424 

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