Scout Jobs

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외국계 엔지니어링사 Account Manager_서산




[외국계 엔지니어링사 Account Manager_서산] 

* 담당 업무

-Key industries are refinery plant, power plant and air separation plants

-Primarily focused on selling Chemical and Monitoring Solutions

-Works with current customers to provide value & meet service needs.

-Participates in sales calls to develop new accounts.

-Builds upon internal relationships and starts to develop strong relationships with customers.

-Leverages client input for feedback to commercial teams (Marketing and Sales)

* 자격 요건

- 화학공학 및 환경공학 전공 4년제 학사 이상 (관련 학과 전공자 우대)

- 관련 업계 경력 6년 이상

- Business English 가능자

* 접수 방법


* 채용 담당

김효정 차장 / +82 31 607 7335

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