Swiper demo

You can trust us as your partner

Driving Future Growth

At the start and end of every business, there are people. Our goal is to become a people-centric HR Solution Company. We will suggest qualified candidates to companies to aid in the companies' growth. We will provide candidates with stable and forward-thinking companies where they can showcase their abilities. We are committed to being honest and trustworthy, and a company that our customers can always rely on.

Scout Jobs

Scout & Company creates new dreams through active change and challenge.
We are looking for talented people with the passion to make things happen.

Way to US

We deliver the right talent. Grow your company with us.

  • Address

    508-2, 230 Pangyoyeok-ro Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea(13493)

  • Contact

    Tel : +82-31-778-7001
    E-mail : admin@scoutncompany.com